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Sh Ch Parkmist Mr Jinks

  DOB 25.10.95

Ch Northey Whittington x Oh Laura at Parkmist

KC/BVA hip score 7-6 and Eyes tested clear G


Jones was bred by Bill and Trudy Short (Parkmist) and was my first Welsh Springer Spaniel, bought as a pet 'that I might show'.

He and I learnt together, only to win Best Puppy in Show at the SEWSSC Open Show in 1996 and then win the Best Dog in Breed at Crufts in 2000.

He has a fantastic temperament and could 'sell anyone a WSS!'

He thoroughly enjoyed showing and could be seen in Veteran classes at both breed and General Championship Shows where he continued to do well. He has now retired.

Sadly I lost Jones in 2010, aged 15.

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